Environmental & Sustainability Policy

Buffaload Logistics Ltd recognises our responsibility to minimise the impact our activities and service may have on the environment.

We are committed to protecting the environment whilst promoting sustainability (meeting the needs of the present without compromising future generations) so it is the policy of Buffaload Logistics Ltd to:

  • Comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulation and other requirements relating to our activities, products and services.
  • To identify and assess the significant environmental aspects and impacts of all our activities and implement appropriate measures to reduce their potential environmental impact including:
      • Preventing pollution and adopting systems to deal with accidental spillages.
      • Reducing our carbon footprint through the use of alternative fuels, improving fuel
        efficient driving skills and reducing fuel usage through maximum load fill and
        minimum empty running.
      • Minimising and managing waste in a legally compliant manner; encouraging recycling and reducing paper use through the use of document management systems.
      • Reducing energy by using energy efficient lighting and maintaining equipment
        through Planned Preventative Maintenance.
      • Improving resource efficiency through good logistical planning of routes and using our network to deliver optimum efficiencies.
      • Minimising statutory nuisance of lighting and noise.
  • Set and review achievable environmental objectives and targets in order to measure our
    environmental and sustainability performance.
  • To ensure that environmental responsibilities are agreed, communicated and understood at all levels within our business and promote our staff in gaining a wider understanding of
    environmental issues.
  • Provide on-going competence training and awareness to staff related to their potential to
    cause a significant environmental impact and that persons performing tasks on our behalf are competent to undertake such work.
  • To ensure that suppliers and sub-contractors are aware of this Environmental and Sustainability Policy and encourage them to develop appropriate systems and a responsible approach with regard to environmental management.
  • Record, co-operate and respond to the views of all interested parties including regulatory
    bodies, clients and the general public and to seek continual improvements in all areas of our environmental management.

This policy will be achieved through the introduction of our Environmental Management System and will be based on the ISO 14001 standard.
This policy will be displayed on all sites and our external website.

Fostering a sustainable future at Buffaload