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MBG Team Golf Days

The Make Buffaload Great Team is the sports and social group within Buffaload. This year our colleague Brian organised two Golf Days for the golf enthusiasts in the company.

Buffaload MBG Team’s inaugural Golf Day took place at Malkins Bank Golf Club at Sandbach, Cheshire on a Saturday in May.

See the Gallery below for photographs showing their prowess!

Left to right in the group shot: Jake Fleet, Alan Nichols, Mark Dickson, Tyler Parkins, Matt Williams, Ben Pindar, Karl Woodward, Brian Starling, Matt Pennell, Craig Morrey.

Well done all, and a special well done to Craig Morrey!

The second MBG Team Golf Day went ahead at Pidley Golf Course in Cambridgeshire on a Saturday in August. Buffaload kindly sponsored the day and gave a trophy for the winner.

In the group photo, left to right are Karl Woodward, Matt Pennell, Craig Morrey, Matt Williams, Mark Dickson, Brian Starling, Ben Pindar, Jake Fleet, Morne Du Toit, Steve Phillips, Karl Barker and Sean Heeps.

See the Gallery below for the adventures at Pidley!

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