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Celebration Trailer Designs

Celebration Trailers Showcase

From September 2022 to August 2023 Buffaload wrapped 8 trailers and 1 truck to celebrate national events. They are, the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Christmas, Six Nations Rugby, Easter, St George’s Day, King Charles III Coronation, Armed Forces Day, our 300th trailer and Cambridgeshire Search and Rescue.

For beautiful design work we thank StudioNova

For print and installation we thank Cambridge Sign Company

Buffaload and 158 Regiment Community

Tesco HQ Armed Forces Outreach Day

On June 25th we took our Armed Forces Day trailer to the Tesco HQ Armed Forces Outreach Day at the Tesco Heart building in Welwyn ...
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Company certificate 2023 Climate

Carbon Footprint Report 2023

In 2022 Buffaload chose to undertake an assessment of our Climate Strategy with Greenly – a leader in digital carbon footprint assessment and an expert ...
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Fostering a sustainable future at Buffaload